περπατώντας στα χωράφια είχε βρέξει, μύριζε το χώμα. κάπνιζα κάτω απ' τις ελιές. βγήκα στον ασφαλτοστρωμένο δρόμο για να γυρίσω σπίτι. κρήτη/ πάσχα 2000.
walking on the fields, where it had previously rained upon. they smelled of the earth. i smoked under the olive trees, then got on the asphalt road to head back home. crete, greece/ easter 2000.
walking on the fields, where it had previously rained upon. they smelled of the earth. i smoked under the olive trees, then got on the asphalt road to head back home. crete, greece/ easter 2000.
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